The Good Be-headers

The Good Be-headers

Anthony Freda

– Artist’s Website –
When ISIS beheads people, the corporate media gleefully promotes the horrific video evidence and US politicians scream for war.

U.S. ally and dear friend the Saudis chop heads off as a national pastime, and the U.N. chooses them to head a Human Rights Council and

not a peep is heard from the controlled Western media or warmongers in Washington.

I guess some beheadings are better than others.

Obama chastises those in the West who oppose mass immigration of refugees displaced by his bombing campaigns, yet does not extend the same

criticism to the wonderful, oil rich nations of the Middle East, like Saudi Arabia, who refuse to take One of their fellow Arab migrants.

What a benevolent, even handed and compassionate military industrial complex we have at the helm of global affairs.

They selectively start wars based on their feigned outrage over human rights violations while they slaughter civilians all over the globe and turn a blind eye to their fellow murderers like the House of


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