Nazi Mania

Nazi Mania

Anthony Freda/h2>
– Artist’s Website –
I know it’s fashionable to compare everyone to Hitler these days even though they are not actually Neo-Nazis.

It’s fun to call people Hitler, but “Godwin’s Law” states that once you compare your adversary to Der Fuhrer, you lose credibility.

There is, however, a real, historical connection between the US government and the Nazis.

“Operation Paperclip” illegally gave citizenship, employment and sanctuary to Nazi war criminals.

Nazis were secretly brought to the United States, without State Department approval;

their service for Hitler’s Third Reich, NSDAP and SS memberships as well as the classification of many as war criminals or security threats disqualified them from officially obtaining visas.

Fun Nazi Fact 2:
There is also a candidate running for president who has a Real family tie to the Nazis, and it’s not Mr. Trump.

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