Call for Submissions! PTSD Nation: Art and Poetry From Survivors of War, Gun Violence, and Domestic Abuse

Call for Submissions! PTSD Nation: Art and Poetry From Survivors of War, Gun Violence, and Domestic Abuse

A Two Year Traveling Exhibit

Call for Entries: Deadline July 31, 2014
Opening: November 3, 2014, The Annex Gallery, Sacramento State University
Closing: March 2016, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library, San Jose CA

This is a two-year traveling art and poetry exhibit, with venues across the U.S. It will provide public education about trauma and the adverse health effects—and the eventual hope and healing—that frequently follows exposure to trauma.

Persons with PTSD acquired through war, gun violence (yourself or a loved-one), or domestic abuse are invited to submit Individual or collaborative works in any medium (sculpture, paint, mixed-media, photography), as well as poetry.

Contact if you have questions or need more information.

Featured image from the art therapy program at National Intrepid Center of Excellence.

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1 comment

  1. david eberhardt dorothydayleftist

    tried to send for submissions- to

    Letter to Mayor of Aurora, Colorado after gun massacre movie theatre there and response

    …..the idolatry of weapon worship in america (my mentor, Father Phil Berrigan always mentioned it) – the nuclear bomb, the drone, the ar assault weapon, the glock- why do so many americans choose to be killers? did the more normal ones stay behind in england?
    i think coloradans also bought more guns after columbine- where did that get them?

    I wonder abt american men- and i am one- makes me ashamed, really- but for the fact that i am not like these men- no- I’m like Dan Gross of the Brady Group or Ladd Everitt of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence

    We can analyze the individual until we’re blue in the fact- we need to change the culture, the society of violence- It’s the guns stupid.

    a poem from me and a response from the mayor of aurora

    Rain fell in Aurora, Colorado today,

    It fell for the

    Victims and

    Executioner as well.

    It smiled at the dawn references

    That news reporters made re the name,

    Although none of them made any;

    It smiled at the

    Lack of reporting

    On Colorado gun laws…

    It forgave and forgave.

    If you listened closely you

    Might have heard how it said:

    Forgive and forgive.

    Seek no vengeance, work for peace.

    It said, I washed the blood off

    Forever battlefields and

    I can wash this off.

    Press on, it said but it said it like this:

    Ssssh, ssssh…


    From: Hogan, Steve
    To: ‘’

    “Odd, but that’s the same message an opponent of stronger laws sent me. Someday maybe your side and their side will grow up, and get past calling each other names.

    Colorado law does not allow cities to overrule the state legislature, even if they want to. Since I couldn’t do anything one way or the other without a vote of another elected body, where does that put me, other than in the same place as you, and the person on the other side of the issue?

    Next time, and there will be a next time unless all types of weapons are outlawed, you might really think first about those actually killed or wounded, instead of your political agenda.”

    Steve Hogan
    City of Aurora

    And from me: my political agenda?- as you know as mayor- all politics is local- the political agenda of colorado is wrong- you did not tell me whether you agree or not- only that it over rid u?
    and so what- you are a man aren’t u? capable of making choices?
    —–Original Message—–
    Subject: I think if you would want to honor the victims of this gun crime?

    Work for stronger gun control laws in Colorado- otherwise, to me- do not go to church- do not claim to b honoring the victims. If you do not work for gun control?….you have blood on yr hands.

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