Call For Papers

Call For Papers

Ecología Política

-Artists website-

The journal Ecología Política invites authors to send their article proposals for its next issue, number 57.

The main subject of the issue will be Arts and political ecology where we will tackle both the theoretical and the political aspects in the use of the arts in all its forms (literature, visual arts, film, theatre, comics, music, etc.) within the contexts of ecological crisis, conflicts and/or socio-environmental transformations, placing especial emphasis on eco-fiction(s).

Specifically, this issue is looking for articles on:

Forms of activism through art and in relation to socio-environmental conflicts, resistance networks, degrowth, and other forms of eco-social mobilization.
Theoretical-critical frameworks and discourses from the environmental humanities: eco-criticism, eco-linguistics, eco-semiotics, etc.
Eco-fiction seen through an historical perspective and in relation to different stages of socio-environmental crisis (e.g. eco-fiction produced in the 1970’s with its stress on overpopulation and scarcity of resources as opposed to eco-fiction produced in the 2010’s where predominant topics include climate change and use of alternative energy sources).
Decolonization and polycentrism in arts’ discourses and narratives, particularly in eco-fiction, by means of works emerging from all over the world.
Eco-science fiction as a (possible) theoretical tool for eco-social transformations in the age of Anthropocene/Capitalocene and its various articulations: ecotopias, solarpunk, biopunk, green fiction, cli-fi, etc.

The issue will be published in June 2019.


Submission of articles will take place in two steps.

Article proposal submission (250 words max.). Deadline: 27 January 2019.

Once received, the proposals will be evaluated by experts in the subject and by the issue’s guest editors. The authors whose proposals are selected will be invited to send a complete manuscript. Invitation to submit the full manuscript does not ensure its publication, as manuscripts will then undergo a further review process.

Submission of the final version of the article (to be translated from English to Spanish, if necessary): 24 March 2019.

Both the abstracts and the final versions of the articles have to be sent to the following e-mail address:

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