All the News That’s Fit to Sing: New Album from David Rovics!

David Rovics

– Website –

I have a new album out. I’m very excited about it. You can stream or download it for free or by donation here:

If you do nothing more than download it for free and enjoy it, I’ll be happy. I’ll be much happier if you take that link there and share it with lots of people by whatever means– email lists, social media, phone calls to radio programmers who should play it and reviewers who should review it…

This album, All the News That’s Fit to Sing, represents hundreds of hours of time researching, writing songs, and playing music over the past 6 or 8 months. Plus two long days in a wonderful recording studio in the woods near Portland.

It’s mainly songs about current and recent events. Such as the latest round of “free trade” negotiations, the TPP and TTIP. Recent evidence that the massacres at Kent State and Jackson State were premeditated. The deadly, man-made mudslide that killed 42 people last March in Oso, Washington. Former Indiana governor Mitch Daniels’ efforts to ban the works of Howard Zinn in his state. The recent controversy involving Scarlet Johansson, the Sodastream corporation, and illegal Israeli settlements. The arrest and imprisonment in London of former Guantanamo detainee Moazzam Begg. The “sun tax” in Oklahoma. And more!

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