A Gun Control Poem

A Gun Control Poem

David Eberhardt

How trump killed Kennedy (reflections on the Kennedy asassination)
Upon examining the Zapruder film
And connecting the dots, from the Texas Book Depository to now

A Secret Service agent
Revisits the scene.
He visits the 6th floor and others
Retrace bullets a, b and c
Is it possible one shooter
Hid in a storm drain???
Conspiracy theorists visit
the grassy knoll
But no one visits gun stores
Or politicians against gun control?
No one plumbs male psyche
Not Oswald’s or others…
No one questions the Carcano rifle
Manufacture continues…
No one publishes Wayne La Pierre’s (no space)
Home address for picketing.
Jack Ruby kills Oswald
And trump opposes gun control.
Bullets a, b and c,
Politician d, e and f
But they don’t visit rifle ranges,
Nor do they visit militias.
The marksman of tomorrow
are trained in Afganistan
Us military produces
tim mcveighs by the dozens
Let’s examine u s gun culture and
How u s gun laws compare.
Let’s hold state legislators
As responsible as perpetrators?
Gun factories in Springfield.
Gun laws in Australia…
Parkland Florida students take action,
Sandy Hook mothers take action.

Let’s connect the dots.
And take radical action.

Blurb 1
David Eberhardt was born March 26, 1941. As a peace protester, he was incarcerated at Lewisburg Federal Prison in 1970 for 21 months for pouring blood on draft files with Father Philip Berrigan and two others to protest the Vietnam War. He is retired after 33 years of work in the criminal injustice system as a Director of Offender Aid and Restoration at the Baltimore City Jail. He has published three books of poetry: The Tree Calendar, Blue Running Lights, and Poems from the Website, Poetry in Baltimore. He has completed a peace movement memoir: For All the Saints , influenced by Dillard, Thoreau, Nabokov, Mailer, Agee, Thomas, Lecky, Capote and Cousteau- available from amazon.

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