A Clown A Hammer A Bomb and God

by Dan Kinch

April 6 2012, Union Square, NYC

A play written by Dan Kinch, performed by Dan Kinch. Based on the true story of Father Carl Kabat, a Plowshares activist who disabled a Minuteman nuclear missile silo while dressed in a clown suit on Good Friday/April Fool’s Day April 1, 1994. In the play, “Father Ben” talks about nuclear weapons, and the reason behind his protest. Performed in support of the Occupy movement.

Other plays by Kinch
“How to Stop the Empire While Keeping Your Day Job”


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  1. dave eberhardt

    You can read about Carl Kabat and the Plowshares Movement, active since about 1980, 25- 50 actions, some in Europe- in Art Laffin’s paperback- Swords into Plowshares- a Chronology- google the Transform Now Plowshares to read about three protestors now in prison.
    The Catholic Left was instrumental- the Berrigans- at the beginning of the movement, after the actions against draft boards (see the movie “Hit and Stay”).

  2. dave eberhardt

    The Plowshares actions have been actual , tangible disarmnament actions- unlike those of governments- although some of them may have also helped. Nuclear war is still a threat.or anti war tactics- see also Code Pink, War Resistors League, Pace Bene, the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, American Friends Service Committee, Fellowship of Reconciliation, etc.
    There are many groups, but they are not covered by media in this military industrial society.

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