SupaMan: American Indian Rapper Rising

SupaMan: American Indian Rapper Rising

This is an exciting victory for a unique brand of hip-hop that’s yet to garner significant mainstream recognition. Indigenous rappers have shaped the movement since the early days, from Melle Mel of the Furious ...
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Insurgent Theater Presents: Behind the Badge

Insurgent Theater Presents: Behind the Badge

Of course, when I read they were hosting a play called “Behind the Badge,” described as a “theatrical examination of police and prison in America,” I knew I was going. The play is produced by Insurgent ...
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Flotsam Weaving

Flotsam Weaving

Scouring the Cornish and Norfolk coastlines for flotsam, Joanna Atherton collects fishing line, netting and other unexpected items for her colourful tapestries. These orphaned objects, curated by the waves, are transformed into ...
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Calling ALL Knitters: Join the Rewoolution!

Calling ALL Knitters: Join the Rewoolution!

Wool against Weapons is a project to draw people’s attention and get them active against the replacement of Trident in both the United States and the United Kingdom. Peace activists hatched a plan to get a ...
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