Facing Facebook

Facing Facebook

Anthony Freda

– Artist’s Website –
My ode to Big Brother:

#Facebook is an electronic ghetto.
A place of phantom friends and real enemies.
A virtual gulag in Cyberia where ideas deemed dangerous by central planners are selectively censored by robots
who have been alerted to the thought crimes by vigilant and easily offended ‘followers”.
A digital Dannemora where the prisoners fight with each other for the amusement of the guards.
A place where the worst of human frailties are on constant display and the intimate details of our lives are
transformed into commodities to be traded in ways to which we are never privy.
I know all of this and more, yet I don’t leave.
Why can’t I break it’s spell?
Is it just habit, or is my instinctual desire to be part of the hive, to “like” and be liked just too strong to resist?
I tell myself I am there to expose Big Brother, but maybe I have been broken by him.

Do I love #BigBrother?

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